Do you remember Matthew Sizemore?
Since Matt joined Kyokuyo on July 1, 2012, he is busy serving as in-house English teacher, interpreter, translator and proof-reader as well as helping other staffs solve English-related issues. His effort is producing good results as the company expected. According to the California-native, English communication skills of his students are steadily improving.

By the way, as we reported in the news174, Kyokuyo is now building 2 units of 7,200m3 type LPG carriers, and superintendents from Europe are now staying in our place to supervise the construction of these ships. Since their construction was kicked off, Matt has been frequently called to support manufacturing staffs for smoother communication in their meetings with the superintendents.
With his presence bringing a sense of security and trust to both sides, the company instructed the former English teacher to get more involved in the manufacturing team, on a regular basis. Now, on every Tuesday and Friday, from 9 to 5, Matt works exclusively for Manufacturing Department to assist the colleagues there!

His new challenge therefore is to acquire the basic understandings of naval architecture and master the related technical terms. So Matt is studying hard to ensure his interpretation will be more accurate and more specialistic. The shipbuilding company expects his involvement will give a good effect on its production control and sales operation to international customers.
Good luck, Matt! You can do it!