7 fresh technicians, out of Kyokuyo's 11 new recruits of 2009 as we introduced in news098, got their assignment recently.

After 3 month training at Oita Regional Shipbuilding Craftsmanship Center and 1 month OJT at various sections in our Construction Division, they now look more like our colleagues than high school students. Yes, it is time for them to start their real career.
Taking into account aptitude and preference of each member, we assigned 2 to fabrication workers, 1 to dock sailor, 1 to assembler and 3 to mechanical fitters/turners. The first ever female technician in Kyokuyo's history has just started her career in lathe working team as she has been aspiring. We will carefully train her and other 6 new employees so that they will take over and further develop Kyokuyo's acknowledged technical ability.
To end this issue, I will introduce you their tweet-like short comments.
- Ryota (fabrication woker) .. "I'm happy to be in more hospitable climate than I expected. I'd like to be full-fledged enough to teach even younger generations."
- Masahiro (dock sailor) .. "I try hard to catch up older colleagues."
- Ryosuke (fabrication worker) .. "There are so many things that I don't understand well. I will catch on !"
- Sho S. (fitter/turner) .. "I'm here for only 1 month. Try my best to master a lot of skills."
- Sho F. (assembler) .. "I'll work hard so that I can be assigned important jobs soonest possible !"
- Shingo (fitter/turner) .. "I'm excited to come to the place I have wanted to be. I wanna master fitting techniques !"
- Misaki (fitter/turner) .. "Do my best to become an accomplished turner!"
