April 1, the first day of a fiscal year, is the day of personnel assignment and reassignment of Kyokuyo, like many other Japanese firms. This year, no less than 20 employees were reassigned, and most cases are that of mid-level members who gained appointment to a higher or management position within the framework of the managerial challenge for organizational rejuvenation.

Talking about newcomers, we received 11 fresh persons (record-high number for Kyokuyo, again) including 3 university graduates, 1 technology college graduate and 7 high school graduates. I hear you asking "Are you serious? Record-high number of new recruits in such a depressed economy?" Okay, I will quote part of the president's speech in the entrance ceremony as it clearly replies to your question.
"Welcome and congratulations! Each of you have become a member of our team from today on."
"We need young power now, more than anything else. Many elder members will reach retiring age in the next several years. Their special and professional skills as proficient technicians should be transferred to younger generations by any means. The company is confronting this critical challenge of skill inheritance. And it's you, who are expected to receive the baton."
"Since our start-up 67 years ago as a very small shipbuilder, we have always been with the same challenging spirit. The same passion to open up a path in uncharted field and to move ahead despite all difficulties, positively and cheerfully. It is our backbone. We hope each of you, new "Team Kyokuyo" members, will share the same spirit and demonstrate it in your daily work, without fearing failure."
Among the audience there was a new breed. She is the first high school graduate female whom the company hired as future technician. We know her since she chose Kyokuyo as the place of her internship 2 years ago, and also know her passion for acquiring skills and knowledge is very strong. We expect her to open up her path in our shipyard as pioneer. Be prepared, shipbuilding men!
After the ceremony and lunch with the directors, 7 high school graduates departed for Oita Regional Shipbuilding Craftsmanship Center for 3 month training while the others are receiving OJT in various divisions here.
We are looking forward to their becoming Kyokuyo's backbone!